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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  May 13, 2014 1:42am-4:01am PDT

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out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide
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♪ ♪ the name of the game for criminals most victims never see
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coming or going. >> around the world, 400,000 people fall victim to pickpockets every day and hidden cameras show us how easy it is. >> cecilia vega has tips on how to avoid become ing a victim. >> reporter: these san diego area grocery store surveillance videos show theft rings in action. watch as this unsuspecting shopper turned away from her cart. the man on the right, sees his chance, takes her wallet and hides under a tote bag. the woman has no idea as the man hands off a wallet to his partner. >> you have to do it just when she's reaching. >> reporter: bob arno snows the game. he is not a thief. he gives expert advice to law enforcement on how to catch crooks. he showed gma verdicts how easy we can make it for pickpockets.
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take a look as he and his wife bambi distract these people. the woman on the right leaves her purse hanging on her chair. bob swoops in and steals her wallet. >> did you have any idea what he was doing behind you? >> no. >> watch on the right. he takes the other woman's purse. men's wallets are harder to swipe? think again. while i talk to this man, bob slides his wallet out of his front pocket and hands it over. >> how much of this is about your quick fingers and how much is about them not paying attention? >> i think it is more about them not paying attention. >> reporter: tip one, don't be distracted by nice conversation by someone who appears well dressed. how do you not become a victim. show me your purse. >> this is fairly safe. it is always here. never behind me like this. never. >> reporter: that's tip two. always keep your belongings in your line of sight. >> i think having as few credit cards as possible is important. >> reporter: keep your wallet and phone in the bottom of your purse, not the top.
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if it is easy for you to access it's easy for thieves and these folks found out. >> you are clutching your purse. >> now i don't trust you. >> reporter: cecilia vega, abc news, phoenix. >> that is scary. >> i don't do any of the things she said. i have a wide-open purse. i only have my wallet in there and my phone. yeah. oh, yeah. you are pretty good at that. look, you already have my wallet and purse. >> i have gotten better. making money at home in your spare time. thanks to technology there are many opportunities and more than ever to parlay that time you have and your talents in to cold, hard cash. we will show you how to do it. ahead in our next half hour, problems with the inlaws, rapper jay-z attacked by his wife beyonce's sister. how things got so ugly so fast. you are watching abc "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.
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...until we found a connection. you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hline can help. (tdd# 1-800-448-1433)
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♪ >> all right. for many women and m ♪ >> all right. for many women and men staying at home with kids means giving up a paycheck. >> but there are new innovative ways to create paychecks from their own living rooms. rebecca jarvis shows how they are doing it. >> reporter: michelle morris is a stay at home mom of two in l.a. and you are watching her make money for her family by watching tv so you are getting paid to watch tv? >> yep, sure am. >> reporter: michelle works with a company called viggle. they pay you to watch certain programs and commercials. >> hit confirm. >> reporter: it is open to anyone with a tv and smartphone. >> it is something ugh you can do with your kids. >> totally do it with my children. it helps me bring money in so we can do different things. >> reporter: michelle has earned enough to renovate their kitchen from this to this. across tina fawn is another of
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the 3 million americans working from home. answering questions for, a nanny, elder and placement care site. top earners make $30,000 a year. can anybody do it? >> anybody can do it. >> anybody. >> anybody can do this. it is the best job ever. >> hi, ryan. >> reporter: and stay-at-home dad, ryan krane, turned his passion for fitness in to a virtual game. training clients over skype. >> how are you feeling in the hip? >> i get to be home with my family and kids. >> reporter: ryan found most of his clients through advertising on google and you tube and now he's cashing in. >> what do you charge? >> 150 an hour. >> 150 an hour? >> yeah. >> if gym class wasn't your thing, how about arts and crafts. kim baise is at work while the kids are at playmaking paper mache mobiles.
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turning water, flour and newspaper strips in to big bucks. >> two scoop ice cream cone. >> reporter: selling it on she has made tens of thousands of dollars. many of you may be afraid of working with at home because of possible scams but these are tried and true methods and we have a full list of legitimate opportunities on rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> other good ideas, pet care, music teacher, if you are musically inclined, child care. there are ways. >> there are ways to do it and a growing number of people have decided to stay home, moms and dads that the times have to get with it. i'm not surprised there's a lot of opportunities out there. >> no doubt. coming up, what's making headlines this morning in "the mix." a russian who's been wrestling grizzly bears since
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childhood. izzly bears since childhood.
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inctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 in we really you know? take a relaxingjust to unwind.a. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire...
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and realized we could actually afford to take both trips. [woman] see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. i should have been voted "most likely to travel." ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. of snuggle fresh linen you love, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower.
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air wick. the craft of fragrance. to be a ufc fighter you have to be tough. champ khabib nurmagomedov wrestling bears. he confirmed its authenticity and said that is him. this is from 1997 and it really is him. guess what, he decided to go for round two. this is him now at 25 years old wrestling another grizzly bear, not the same one, by the way. it is wearing a muzzle, however. he fights in the lightweight division for the ultimate fighting championship and, yeah, apparently he wrestles grizzly bears. >> i don't know how to react to this. this is horrifying. especially for the 9-year-old.
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although as an adult doesn't he look like he has control of the situation with? >> yeah, i think he may outweigh that one. just the same i will let him do it and watch over here. >> that's crazy. another animal story, this one cuter. you know, obviously ducks need to learn to fly and their mama ducks are the ones that teach them. this is university of college dublin. that's mama duck. she jumps off a ledge and somebody taking video decides to help the little guys out and says maybe if i put my backpack down the little ducklings will fall on the backpack and the fall won't be so terrible. they don't. they go to the other side. i lost count. >> a couple of them went flat. >> and they take the leap of faith after their mamas and run to the huddle and off they are. learning to fly. >> didn't see wings flapping. i think they have another lesson coming. >> need a taller ledge. >> no kidding. now to a dog, some animals here. this a dog that saved a
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veteran's life. amazing. united states marine. his name is terry mcglade. he's a major. he collapsed from a seizure. that's his dog. it is a pit-lab mix and he is trained to know when he goes in to a seizure. he took the phone out of the marine's pocket and started to step on it. it automatically calls 911 when any button is pushed. dispatchers knew something was happening. the dog went to the curb and brought the ems crew to the marine there and he said it probably would have been severe trouble he didn't call 911. >> love stories like that. what an adorable dog. moving to the idiot report of the day. this is 31-year-old patrick ruffner from baton rouge, louisiana. he called in to the police station and said somebody has hit me and it's a hit and run. they said come in to file a
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>> sorry. this morning on "worlds > this morning on "world news a bizarre and unexpected develop. in clay ache in's congressional race. his opponent suddenly dies. we'll tell what you is next. and a fan favorite, dances to the exit door the we'll tell who you went home on last night's "dancing with the stars." that's in the skinny on this tuesday, may 13th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with
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john muller and diana perez. the video is violent. >> we're talking about a little disagreement. that's like a brawl. >> it really is. look at it go. i can't imagine what jay z would have said that made her go off. >> and beyonce is in the elevator, too? >> she's right there. i don't even know where she is. she's standing there and has no reaction at all, almost like it's happened before. >> we'll get to that one. >> we do begin this half hour that violent incident in new hampshire that we mentioned in the headline. a police officer killed responding to a domestic dispute. >> his death followed by a massive explosion. it was all caught on camera.
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>> reporter: witnesses say they heard an argument in this home. walter and his son, 47-year-old michael nolan. that dispute resulted in gunfire then the home was set on fire leading to this explosion. >> i heard and felt the explosion. then we went in to watch tv. we were watching tv and we saw the house. >> reporter: according to the attorney general, michael nolan was killed by fire or the explosion. >> ott police officer arrived and entered the home but was driven out by gunfire. other officers arrived and a
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short time later the home was engulfed in flames. >> reporter: neighbors said they saw an older man leaving in a stretcher, the older man, the owner of the home. josh haskel, abc news, brentwood, new hampshire. >> this is disturbing. >> this is a fine line that all television stations have to say. when there is an active situation going on, do you put it on live television for all to see? you just never know what is going to happen. and this is a perfect example of a nightmare situation. >> it sure is. >> man. all right. the investigation continuing this morning into that hot air balloon accident in virginia that left three people dead. the balloon hit a power line friday and killed the pilot and two women's basketball coaches from university of richmond. the pilot may not have had any
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way of knowing that power line was there. >> they didn't give me any more than than they believed. it hit a power line that apparently wasn't on the map. the pilot was looking at or not looking at. we don't know for sure. >> the ntsb is calling for strict regulations but the hot air balloon industry is calling the recommendations unnecessary. federal oversight. >> "american idol" star is in court. keith crisco passed away at his home after a fall. he was trailing aiken by 400 votes after a vote for congress. if he overtakes aiken, the democratic party would appoint someone to run in november. >> an aircraft is capable of tracking cell phone conversations in real time. with more on the search, here is karen traverse in washington. >> these are the first images of
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some of the nigerian schoolgirls since they were kidnapped nearly a month ago. this video released by the islamic terrorist group shows 100 girls wearing muslim head scarves, reading the koran and praying. the leader is seen here bragging saying the girls have been liberated. these girls have become muslims, he says. the terror leader also had a message for the nigerian government. the girls could be released for exchange for imprisoned militants. a complicated from the nigerian government. they will not pay for the release. >> it is a crime against humanity. >> demonstrators continue to gather in nigeria's capital demanding the government do more. >> we'll continue toage vat, protest, ask questions until this girls come back. >> over the weekend, michelle
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obama added her voice to the movement. >> in these girls, we see our own daughters. >> secretary of defense chuck hagel said that finding the girls is a huge challenge. >> this is not going to be an easy task. but we're going to bring to bear every asset we can possibly use to help nigerian government. >> for now that means surveillance assistance and law enforcement support. >> they declared independence and seeking to join russia following sunday's vote. russia is signalling it has no intention of an exing eastern ukraine the way it did crimea in march and acting prime minister of ukraine says he wants to hold talks with all the parties involved. st. louis rams introduce the
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draft pick to the media today and undoubtedly the guy that will get the most attention was picked in the seventh round, first openly gay athlete to be drafted by an nfl team. he said he knows he has to prove himself and wants to be judged by his actions on the field. his jersey is the number two seller of all the players selected in the draft. president obama honored bloifrz for their valor in the line of duty. at the white house yesterday, president obama said the nation owes a debt of gratitude to the officers who put themselves in harms way every single day. he called them best of the best and he made mention of their loved ones as well. >> all of you are heros in my book, as well. >> some of the officers honored helped to respond to the boston marathon bombing. others responded to the shooting at the washington navy yard. clean up picks up after the weekend's severe storms and tornados struck.
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sutton, nebraska went from picture perfect postcard to disaster. >> nearly every tree and structure damaged. they suffered major losses. no one was hurt because of early warning sirens were rounded right away. firefighters were out to make sure all of the people took cover. rain from east texas to new england including the mid-atlantic states. south florida gets showers, too. lingering snow showering in the higher elevations of colorado and new mexico. >> warm in the east again today. milder that is in the middle of the country. a red flag warning will be up in southern california where there will be a lot of temperatures in the 90s and some in the triple-digit range. even san francisco will be in the 80s today. we're told a small dog rescued from a rather dangerous place now has plenty of people who want to give it a new home. >> 2-year-old there. somehow he got stranded on a highway divider in northern
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california. a cop with the california highway patrol gave it a bit of a protein bar and drove it to safety. >> she is recovering at a local animal shelter and apparently calls are flooding in from people who say they want to make the dog part of their family. lucky pooch indeed. >> she looks tired, too. from the whole ordeal. >> you know what, chihuahuas shake just in general. >> yes. >> i can't imagine how much shaking this poor chihuahua was doing when she was on the divider. ps, how did she get on the divider? >> what's up with that. >> somebody must have put her there. that's awful. >> some friends there in the kennel, though. that's nice. some pals. my goodness, look at her. >> too cute. >> a rare image of one of one of america's most america's most photographed couples. beyonce's sister apparently attacks jay-z. the fight is caught on camera. a look at what happened just ahead. you are watching "world news now." ♪ saturday night's all right for fighting ♪
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>> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol no mess max. ay. like clockwork, every 20 minutes i clean the toilet. sometimes i get up in the middle of the night and clean the toilet. now every time you go, lysol cleans for you. new lysol no mess max gives you max cleaning with every flush. while its fragrance gels release 4 weeks of max freshness. that's what i like to hear. someone cleaning the toilet for me. lysol. start healthing.
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♪ >> safe to say we are all used to the occasional family fight from time to time but this squabble a doozy. >> to say the least. rapper jay-z, beyonce and her
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sister solange stepped in to an elevator here at a hotel in new york and it was after the doors closed is now going viral. here's juju chang. ♪ >> reporter: jay-z wraps about 99 problems and he can add inlaws to the list. after attacked by beyonce's sister solange. the trio seemed the picture of glamour leaving the met gala after party last week. in the privacy of an elevator, video reveals things get ugly when the losing you singer lashes out at her 44-year-old brother in law. tmz aired the grainy surveillance tape that showed solange trying to hit jay-z with her arms, her legs, even her purse. a man who appeared to be a bodyguard attempts to hold her back and presses the stop button. so the fight could be contained away from the photographers outside. she seems to be ranting at jay during the episode but without
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sound the secret what provoked the fight may stay in the elevator. >> through it all, queen bee herself took a surprising step back, sparking wild rumors about why she let her husband and her little sister duke it out without her. the girls have a well-documented close and loving relationship, recently performing together at coachella. there beyonce let her act as her stay in the spotlight acting as her backup dancer. now fans are left wondering why beyonce's sister may have fought on her behalf without the help of a certain famous alter ego. fierce. the "pretty hurts" singer has addressed the pressures that women face. for now, music's first family is keeping quiet about trouble in paradise. >> man, oh, man. that's a shocking video. by the way, the hotel issued a statement essentially saying we
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don't know how this surveillance video got out. and it's not our policy and we are investigating. >> discipline, prosecution whoever they find did it. these are deductions. we are not saying this is the cause but there's been a lot of talk about solange falling off a cliff lately. she had to cancel tours citing physical and mental health. she tweeted about marijuana use and landed in the hospital for a nyquil overdose. so who knows? who knows what the cause is. what else is happening in her life right now. >> justify something like that. that's just -- >> nothing justifies that kind of reaction. i'm so curious to know, number one, why beyonce had no reaction whatsoever. she was so even keeled. number two, why not wait until you get to the privacy of your own home. something enraged her so much she couldn't hold it i until they got in the limo. when we come back we will check out "the skinny." >> yes, we are. the "dancing with the stars" semi final shocker. who got the boot. and the giant retirement
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present barbara walters has been given. you are watching abc "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc
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♪ skinny so skinny >> all right. we start off our skinny with a ballroom shocker. ♪ skinny so skinny >> all right. we start off our skinny with a ballroom shocker.
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olympian ice dancer charlie white who dominated throughout the season voted off of "dancing with the stars" one week from the finale. >> the audience booed and tom bergeron acknowledged the result was a shocker. white was a gracious loser. >> all of these people are so deserving. now i can 100% be a cheerleader, team meryl, love you. >> competing for the mirror ball trophy next week are white's ice dancing partner, meryl davis, burke, amy purdy and big time rush star james maslow. >> handled it graciously. >> good luck to the rest of them. the widow of a driver killed with "fast and furious" paul walker is taking legal action six months after the fiery crash. kristin rodas -- the suit claims porsche carrera they were riding in veered out of control because
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of the suspension. >> she contradicted police findings the car was going up to 93 miles an hour and said they were driving significantly slower 55 miles. another legal story. this one involving radio legend casey kasem. he is suffering from advanced parkinsons disease and can no longer speak. >> his children have been complaining they have been unable to see their father because he's been moved around medical facilities by his wife. a judge ordered an investigation where kasem is being treated. >> a complaint accuses his wife of elder abuse. an attorney for one of the daughters says the family believes he's been taken to an indian reservation in washington state. as you know, tv news pioneer, barbara walters retiring this week. to honor her, the building we are in right now, abc news headquarters is named in her honor. >> disney chairman and ceo bob iger did the honors.
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>> from this day forward, 47 west 66th street will be forever known as the barbara walters abc news headquarters. [ applause ] >> if i have a legacy and i said this before and i mean it so sincerely, i hope that i played a small role in paving the way for so many of you fabulous women who are here tonight. i'm not going to cry. i make everybody else cry. i will not. >> thank you, by the way from the women and men of abc news. she says she hopes she had a small part in paving the way. she paved the entire road. >> true pioneer. >> absolutely. >> as a journalist and woman. in so many ways she is deserving of every accolade she gets. >> oh, yeah. check out a few birthday rosters, celebrity birthdays that is. >> let's get right to them. >> stevie wonder turns 64 today. >> basketball's wild guy, dennis rodman turns 53. >> newly crowned late-night prince stephen colbert turns 50 today. >> darius rucker turning 48 years old. >> happy birthday to all of them. new details on the social
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media darlings. the new identical twin sisters. ♪ media daryling. the new identical twin sisters. again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. air wick. the craft of fragrance. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts,
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♪ >> what is called a miracle birth of the rare set of twins is becoming more touching as new details surface this morning. >> on facebook alone more than 27 million people have seen images of these remarkable twin sisters an now we are hearing more about the unbelievable moment in the delivery room. bob jones of our cleveland affiliate wews has the story. >> they became rock stars right away as soon as they came out. >> sarah thistlewhistle is taking turns snuggling with her beautiful twin girls. as she gets to know her new babies, it seems the world can't get enough of them. >> i can't believe how big this has gotten. >> reporter: here's why.
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the rare mono mono twins that shared the same placenta and amniotic sack didn't want to separate in an akron delivery room, grabbing and holding on to each other's hands. >> when they were born like that and as soon as they were taken out they want to grab each other's hands it brought me to tears. >> it was the first for one of the doctors who delivered the twins and has twins of her own. >> we do thousands of deliveries but this was special. i took the first baby out and my partner took the second baby out and we held her up for sarah to see and immediately they grasped hands. >> the moment that sarah never could have imagined when she agreed to allow us in the delivery room. >> i thought it was a little mother's day story. now it's this. >> reporter: the precious moment led to more, much more. jillian and jenna continue to grab international attention. >> one of my high school friends lives in australia and she sent me a message last night and told me she saw me on her television in australia. >> reporter: both babies weigh under four pounds and are doing
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well. after the amazing delivery, sarah expects the twins will always be close. for now, she's holding them close. >> this is absolutely what this is about. this is what i wait for during the day. being a mom is the most amazing feeling. >> what a story. so many levels. the hand holding and sensation, international sensation. >> immediate. by the way, they have an older brother who's only 15 months old. he has no idea what is going on. he just knows he has two bundles to deal with. his name is jackson. >> what it what a great family. we wish them the best. >> very cool. don't miss our updates at facebook >> a lot more. come on back, folks. >> announcer: this is abc "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades.
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born from 1945 through 1965thate have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more.
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good morning. i'm diana perez. >> i'm john muller. here's some of the top headlines we are following on "world news now." first family of rap caught on video behind closed doors. good morning. first family of rap caught behind doors. jay z having an argument with his sister-in-law. what triggered at sault? it remains a mystery. >> clay aiken's opponent for congress has suddenly died. he led by a few hundred votes. the final talley is uncertain. aiken suspended campaign activity. >> and the former radio host casey kasem's whereabouts are unknown right now. his daughter is the temporary caregiver. the 82-year-old has been taken out of the country. >> and nasa is sounding at larm.
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nasa is sounding the alarm about the warming planet. the sea level will rise by three feet by 2100. these are some of the stories we are following on this tuesday, may 13th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good tuesday morning. we begin this half hour with the latest comments from embattled clippers owner donald sterling. >> he's apologizing for racist remarks. now he set a new controversy. abc's devin dwyer is joining us with more. >> reporter: good morning, john and diana. tonight the l.a. clippers hope to keep the best season in franchise history going during game five against the oklahoma city thunder. off the court the drama and controversy surrounding the team's owners continues to unfold. >> reporter: l.a. clippers owner
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donald sterling is gearing up for a fight to keep his team. >> am i entitled to one mistake? it is a terrible mistake and i will never do it again. >> the 80-year-old billionaire telling cnn's anderson cooper on "ac 360" he's sorry for the rant caught on tape and exposed two weeks ago. >> late for sure. >> the man tapped to guide the clippers through crisis said the apology shouldn't slow down the nba from trying to remove sterling from the team. >> all eyes are on this. we need to move through it quickly. >> reporter: as the nba and team owners consider whether to oust sterling, his estranged wife shelly sat down exclusively with barbara walters. >> i don't think he is a racist. >> reporter: shelly sterling, who owns half of the team, says she wants to keep it in the family. owning it herself even if her husband cannot. >> i was shocked by what he said. but i don't know why i should be punished for what his actions were. >> reporter: mrs. sterling said she wants a divorce from her
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husband showing the papers ready to file. her husband's rant, she said, was the final straw. >> he said, i don't remember saying that. i don't remember saying those things. >> what did you think then? >> that's when i thought he had dementia. >> i made a terrible, terrible mistake and i'm here with you today to apologize and to ask for forgiveness for all of the people that i've hurt. and i have hurt so many people. >> reporter: the nba says a vote to remove donald sterling as owner would also apply to shelly sterling under league rules. her attorney is vowing to fight that interpretation in court. john and diana. >> thank you. there was so much more to that interview. some of the things were so controversial. >> big time. >> oh, man. talking about magic here, he says, quote, he acts so holy. he made love to every girl in every city in america and he had aids. and when he had those aids, i went to my synagogue and prayed
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for him. i hoped he could live and be well. i didn't criticize him. i could have. is he an example for children? >> this might have been his worst moment. what has he done big magic johnson, what has he done? he changed course he originally started with johnson is a good person but veered off to stuff. not making fans this morning. the nba apologized on behalf of the things he said. >> not a good look for him. a developing story from new hampshire. a police officer killed in the line of duty. 48-year-old officer steven arkell was shot to death while responding to a domestic disturbance. at a house that later exploded and burned on live tv. the suspected gunman was a man named michael nolan, the son of the homeowner. >> another police officer arrived and entered the home but was driven out by gun fire. other officers arrived. a short time later, the home was engulfed in flames and later exploded. it's believed mr. nolan was
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killed by the fire or the explosion. >> nolan's father was taken from the scene in an ambulance. he lived in the house with his son, who was killed either in the explosion or by the fire. a railway company and three employees facing a lawsuit stemming from the massive train disaster that killed 47 people in canada. the workers are due in court on criminal negligence charges ten months after the run away oil train sped seven miles downhill and levelled dozens of buildings. investigators determined the brakes were not properly applied. the white house says u.s. intelligence experts are combing over every detail of the video showing some of the kidnapped nigerian girls. u.s. drones providing surveillance of the area. pro moscow, insurgents in eastern ukraine declared
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independence and seek to join russia following sunday's vote. russia is signaling it has no intention of annexing eastern ukraine the way it did crimea in march. the white house says the referendum is illegal and a further attempt to create division and disorder. police in minnesota are seeking a second suspect in connection to a fight over the weekend that left a man fighting for his life. 24-year-old isaac kolstad allegedly threw the first punch before knocked out and kicked in a fight. surveillance video shows a man running from the scene. he is a former football player at minnesota state university. he's in critical condition. >> you have some decisions that were made by some individuals and probably had impaired thinking and those decisions will affect many lives for years to come. >> 20-year-old phillip nelson was charged with assault for allegedly kicking kolstad in the head while he was lying on the ground. he has posted bail and has been released from jail. a difficult night for people in nebraska, kansas and iowa where severe storms and tornados ripped off roofs and knocked out power.
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that's one of a number of weather threats battering the country right now. abc's ryan owens takes it all. >> big time tornado, guys. >> the severe threat isn't over. after 41 tornados were reported this weekend. terrifying residents of eight states and sending storm chasers scrambling to avoid obstacles, including this irrigation equipment. >> you guys okay? >> on the ground. >> reporter: sunday evening, this tornado took aim at sutton, nebraska. the downtown went from small town postcard to disaster area. this is the main street here. it looks like a bomb went off. how did nobody die here? >> i attribute it to the early warning systems that we have. >> reporter: in fact, the police chief is one of the few with even minor injuries. those scratches on his face, from the windows of his patrol car shattered by debris. here on america's windy open plains, some people lost more than their homes, they lost their livelihoods. it will take weeks, maybe longer to replace and repair all of this equipment essential for the
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family farm. to the west, up to three feet of snow in the colorado rockies. denver's coors field down right frosty. in texas and california, just the opposite. a wildfire in the panhandle burned nearly 100 homes. later this week, californians will deal with high winds and even higher temperatures. look at triple-digits for los angeles forecast for thursday. a week of weather whiplash. ryan owens, abc news, sutton, nebraska. all right. fire crews are battling the first major wildfire of the season in new mexico. it has burned more than 4700 acres since sparked on sunday. new mexico officials say the land there is so dry the wildfire season could be the third record setter in the last four years. local leaders are asked to limit the sale of fireworks so they don't cause another fire. let's take a look at the
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weather. a line of storms across the center of the country bringing drenching rains. flooding in cleveland. showers in the northeast and new england today. lingering snow in the rockies. summer along the west coast. 90s and possibly higher in california. the fire risk very high there. mild in the middle of the country and warming up for the south. hundreds of people turning out to mark the reopening of the washington monument. they were among the first to ride to the top of the landmark after three years. the monument was repaired after the 5.8 magnitude earthquake left cracks in the stone. now our own towering figure. barbara walters has a monument in her honor as well. the building where we work, where we are right now, is named to commemorate her career. disney ceo bob iger led the ceremony. >> from this day forward, 47
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west 66th street will be forever known as the barbara walters abc news headquarters. >> barbara walters changed the business for women and men. she retires this coming friday. from one legend to another. barbara walters to lebron james. the miami heat star said he is disappointed in himself after a win. >> james and the heat defeated the nets to take a lead in the nba playoff series. james led his team with 49 points, but he says his disappointment stems from the fact that he didn't score 50 for the first time in a playoff game. >> the second time that he scored 49 in a post-season game. the heat where can wrap up a spot in the finals with a win tomorrow night i think he did well. >> i think he's okay. >> coming up an early breakfast for us here at "world news now." >> it is national apple pie day and you know what that means. we get to sample one of the best pies in new york city. >> we won't be raising a glass. a study sparking questions about the health benefits of red wine. we will explain that in a few minutes on "world news now."
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♪ red red wine >> "world news now" weather >> "world news now" weather brought to you by icy hot smart relief.
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♪ ♪ ♪ red red wine >> all right. for years we have been told that red wine offers a litany of health benefits thanks to one chemical in particular.
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>> this morning a new study is showing that resveratrol isn't all it is cracked up to be. here's abc news senior medical contributor timothy johnson with the medical minute. >> reporter: red wine we have heard that drinking it will help our heart and help us live longer. some science pointed to one red wine chemical in particular called resveratrol as the reason why. but findings that some may find sobering. resveratrol may not offer the benefits we hoped. they looked at 800 older italians over nine years to see if the chemical was indeed linked to less cancer, better heart health and longer life. the connections weren't there in this particular study. is it time to set down the glass? perhaps not. red wine is more than just resveratrol. so that a small glass a day may have some health benefits. the important point to remember,
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as always, moderation is key, and that's something we can all drink to. i'm dr. timothy johnson. >> okay. so buried in this is red wine still has health benefits. they sort of don't know why they thought. the resveratrol apparently in the study is not what it claimed to be but the wine still has benefits. >> true. there are good points. resveratrol is still a good antioxidant. it is just in the form of whatever it is used in the wine is not giving you the benefits everyone thought. it is not giving you the nice, long life. and it is making me disappointed. it says in order to get the health benefits of wine you can't save your daily portions for a weekend binge. you have to actually drink five ounces a day to get the benefits of red wine. you can't have 30 ounces on saturday. >> can i have 25 ounces on saturday? >> no. >> that's what i'm saying. coming up, what's cookin' in the kitchen. >> it is national apple pie day. if we needed another reason to sample one of america's all-time favorite desserts our insomniac kitchen is coming up straight ahead.
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>> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. rts our insomniac kitc think it's weird to collect air? you wouldn't think so if you saw what your lungs collect every time you breathe. protect your health with life-saving air quality updates from the american lung association.
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get our free "state of the air" app at ♪ >> it's not just mom's apple pie. pretty much any apple pie is a favorite around here on "world news now." >> in honor of national apple pie day a new twist to an old classic. tina trinh brings us this morning's insomniac kitchen. >> reporter: we're in brooklyn and if you thought apple pie couldn't get better, i have two words for you, salted caramel. >> this is a customer favorite. signature apple pie. it has been on the menu since day one and we still have it every day. >> what do we need to do? >> first step is to make
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caramel, make the salted caramel. >> we have sugar and water. >> you want to mix it up until it dissolves a little bit and we will add the butter in to the pot. put that in there and just let it melt. >> okay. >> it will melt and start to bubble and eventually it is going to turn brown. that's when we will add in our heavy cream here to stop the cooking. we have apples and set them aside. >> do you need a particular apple? >> we recommend golden delicious and granny smith. next is raw sugar and one of our secret ingredients is -- it adds an aromatic. >> we put that in the sugar mixture. >> a quarter teaspoon cinnamon and allspice, quarter teaspoon as well and nutmeg. and little flour for thickening.
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mix that all up. >> i can smell the cinnamon. it smells great. >> yeah. we have here butter crust. start to layer the apples. put a layer down first. >> plop them in. >> once we have a crisp layer of apples. >> so the caramel cooled down. >> yep. >> you can use however much you want. i eyeball it. >> we will take a pinch of sea salt and sprinkle that. the next step is weave a lattice on top. everyone has a different style of crimping. i think it is your signature on the pie. but we start on the outside and pinch as you roll in. >> let's get it going. >> take it to the oven. >> this is -- >> apple pie season is fall. >> the caramel doesn't come through in a really bold way. it is subtle. >> sort of melts in and really makes them a little sweeter, a
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little bitterness from the caramel. >> overall delicious. >> oh, yeah. because we are dedicated to our craft, we will have to try it out. healthy piece for you, diane. >> i know. my goodness. look at the size of this thing. can we talk about that for a second? >> okay. i will jump in because i need to do reading after we are done here. >> oh, my gosh. if it is half as good as it looks. >> i want more caramel. >> it's in there. >> oh, yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> oh, yeah. you know what i need. >> oh, yeah. >> little ice cream. whipped cream. >> warm vanilla ice cream. but this is great just the same. >> so delicious. my goodness. i really want to get in to the caramel. by the way, it is absolutely delicious. we have 15 seconds. you have to stop watching us eat because now i have to promote the book. it is called the "four and twenty black birds pie book." recipes from the celebrated pie shop.
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go out there and get it. this recipe is inside. >> awesome. re and get it. this recipe is inside. >> awesome. every 20 minutes i clean the toilet. sometimes i get up in the middle of the night and clean the toilet. now every time you go, lysol cleans for you. new lysol no mess max gives you max cleaning with every flush. while its fragrance gels release 4 weeks of max freshness. that's what i like to hear. someone cleaning the toilet for me. . hd 3. [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts,
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here today to witness the exchanging of marriage vows. >> reporter: tara and richard made a spontaneous decision to get married during their vacation here. and when these folks from britain got to the city clerk's office they were in for another surprise. the cost of their brief ceremony and their marriage license were paid for by abc. >> your plans is to do what with that $60. >> spend it on champagne. celebrate. >> reporter: easy enough because the couples were reimbursed in cash to help promote the wedding of mitch and cam on "modern family" which is set for wednesday evening on abc. the actors who play them were on gma to announce the happy news. couples we talked to had no idea until they got here that they wouldn't have to pay for a marriage license. >> it is a great surprise. wonderful. i think it's another confirmation that it is okay that we are gay and getting married. >> reporter: flowers were not included but be every little bit helps. >> you have so many expenses
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with a wedding so it is nicer. >> his family planned a wedding for us in paris. and it is a very expensive wedding. for us to have the legal part paid is really nice. >> reporter: for richer or poorer, a joyous day made a little more joyful. >> the first time i saw her, i said this is it. >> isn't that amazing. still working on your pie. >> still working on my pie. sorry, guys. it was an interesting story but this pie is much more interesting. >> congrats to those folks there. that's our news for this half hour. >> remember to follow us on facebook at >> don't chew with your mouth full, diane. >> sorry. >> don't talk with your mouth full, diane.
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this morning on "world news now," the proof of life. this morning on "world news now," the proof of life. heart wrenching images and the new effort by the united states to try to find them. plus -- >> i'm not a racist. i made a terrible, terrible mistake. >> donald sterling does his first tv interview since his racist remarks were revealed but he may have dug a deeper hole. hear what he has to the say about a beloved former athlete this morning. >> anybody can do this. anybody can do this. it is the best job ever. >> making money without leaving the house. the stay-at-home moms and dads cashing in by doing what they love.
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it is tuesday, may 13th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good tuesday morning, everyone. we begin with new details about u.s. involvement in the search for those missing girls in nigeria. >> the pentagon is providing manned intelligence and reconnaissance flights over nigeria and sharing satellite imagery. a video is providing important clues about the girls. we have this report from nigeria. >> reporter: proof of life. look closely and you see tiny faces, young and innocent. some are clearly terrified. every one of these girls is someone's daughter and someone's friend. in unison, they chant verses from the koran. he claims the group is converted to islam. he demands jailed members of his group be released in exchange for the girls. seeing the faces and hearing the voices of the girls for the first time since the abduction
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is enormously emotional for the families, but it may serve one benefit. that is focusing the mind of this government on getting them back. one traumatized father scoured the video for his daughter's face, but he told abc he's been crying and praying. what did you pray for today? >> i prayed because i want god to comfort them and be with them. he can give them the power to endure this hardship. >> reporter: dick clark sees clues in the video. the trees are sparse and there's open sky. what's on the ground may be key. >> what we see is a lot of straw in front of the girls. it may suggest they are held in an area where there are domesticated animals that are fed straw. that may help to narrow down the region. >> abc news can confirm the nigerian government is actively talking to fringe elements of
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boko haram but any deal to bring these girls home is extremely remote. >> certainly heartening the see faces and see them -- but that's not all of them. >> that's not all of them and you heard the dad say he looked and scoured and all he found were pictures of his girl's friends but not his daughter. u.s. intelligence working with the white house, working with the nigerian government and they are taking a really close look at this video. everything is important. there's concern they have them deep in the rainforest. there would be nowhere to find them. even the trees, you can tell they are in an open area. if a drone had been flying overhead they would have been able to see the grouping of girls. every little thing is important in that video. >> islamic leader in nigeria says the abducted girls will not be seen until the government
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releases detained fighters. moving to this. a developing story from new hampshire. a police officer killed in the line of duty. the officer was shot to death while responding to a domestic disturbance at a house that later exploded and burned on tv. the suspected gunman was a man named michael nolan, the son of the homeowner. authorities described the violent scene that followed officer being shot. >> another police officer arrived and entered the home but was driven out by gun fire. other officers arrived and a short time later the home was engulfed in flames and later exploded. it is believed mr. nolan was killed by the fire or the explosion. >> nolan's father was taken from the scene in an ambulance. he lived in that house with his son, who as you heard was killed either in the explosion or the fire. clippers owner donald sterling is igniting a new controversy.
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this time over his comments about magic johnson. in an interview with cnn's anderson cooper, sterling expressed sorrow for recorded racist remarks that earned him a lifetime ban from the nba, but he was anything but apologetic toward johnson, one of the men mentioned in the recording. >> he made love to every girl in every city in america and he had aids. and when he had those aids, i went to my synagogue and i prayed for him. i hoped he could live and be well. i didn't criticize him. i could have. is he an example for children? >> johnson, who is scheduled to appear on cooper's show, tweeted i'd rather be talking about the great nba playoffs than donald sterling's interview. johnson tweeted, after this week no more sterling talk. just hours after the interview aired, the commissioner responded to his
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remarks. he apologized to johnson who continues to be dragged in to the situation and degraded by a malicious and personal attack. that's a quote. a stunning turn of events in a congressional race in north carolina. democratic candidate keith crisco died suddenly after a fall at his home. the 71-year-old former businessman was trailing "american idol" runner up clay aiken by 400 votes after tuesday's primary. if crisco should overtake aiken in a recount that's underway right now, the party would appoint someone to face the candidate in november. los angeles judge ordered an investigation in to whereabouts of casey kasem. one of his daughters from a previous marriage has been appointed her father's temporary caretaker. an attorney for his wife says kasem has been taken out of the country and he has no idea where he is. he is suffering from advanced parkinson's disease. the children accuse their stepmother of elder abuse and keeping their father from the family. a south african judge is considering a request to place oscar pistorius under mental observation. the lead prosecutor in the pistorius' murder trial asked for the evaluation after an expert witness said he suffered from an anxiety disorder that may have affected his actions when he killed his girlfriend. they said a person suffering from that with access to a gun
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could be a danger. 24-year-old isaac kolstad allegedly threw the first punch before knocked out and kicked in the fight early sunday. authorities released surveillance video showing a man running from the scene in hopes of identifying him. kolstad is a former football player at minnesota state university. he is now in critical condition. >> his personality is one of a kind. he's charismatic but the biggest thing about isaac, he's a family man. he's a great father. he's got a beautiful young daughter. he's going to have another one, too. it hurts to see this happen to such a good guy. >> 20-year-old phillip nelson is arrested and charged with assault for kicking kolstad on the head while he was lying on the ground. he posted bail and released from jail last night. second days of mers virus
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has been confirmed on u.s. soil. it is ten days after the first patient turned up in the midwest. steve osunsami has more on the case and how the disease could spread. >> reporter: this new, deadly disease is traveling to the u.s. with unsuspecting passengers on airlines. the cdc is announcing a second patient in the u.s. has been diagnosed with mers, or middle eastern respiratory syndrome. this time in orlando. a medical professional from saudi arabia, who was here visiting family, had to be hospitalized and isolated. >> it has no vaccine and no treatment that we know that works. >> reporter: the world's top doctors believe the disease came from camels in the middle east and spread largely to health professionals there that have been treating the sick. the symbols resemble the flu, fever, cough and breathing. 538 people have gotten sick, 145 have died. the cdc is trying to calm fears saying the disease spreads through repeated and lasting contact with an infected
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persons. medical professionals most at risk. they are trying to track down the passengers that were exposed on the orlando flights from may first. he flew from jeddah to london, london to boston, boston to atlanta. 500 travellers on his u.s. flights alone. they hope to test each one of the potentially exposed passengers. >> the first case appeared in indiana last month. another medical professional who worked in the middle east. both patients on them mend tonight. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. nasa is sounding the alarm about the warming planet. two studies find the ice sheet at the bottom of the earth is melting so fast it is unstoppable. 40 years of data show the glacier in the western part of antarctica retreated so much it will rise by three feet or more. special lady we want to introduce you to. she's getting attention for how she marked her mother's day. >> kitty cohen is 101 years old an the oldest canadian to throw out a ceremonial first pitch at a major league baseball game. it happened on sunday before the angels and blue jays game.
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>> here she is. she practiced throwing a baseball for months to prepare for her appearance. amazingly, she was disappointed to find out that she wasn't allowed to run the bases before making her toss. man, oh, man, good to go. >> crazy. she is 101. she threw a strike. >> this september she will participate in a walk that is 18.6 miles. she is 101. >> we should have so much energy. easy money. how to make a paycheck without leaving the comfort of your own couch. >> and the methods pickpockets use to lift your wallet from under your nose and how you may
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be making their job easier. you are watching "world news now." ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by airwick scented oils. d oils. ♪ the comforting scent of snuggle fresh linen you love, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. air wick. the craft of fragrance. i've got a nice long life ahead.
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♪ the name of the game for
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criminals most victims never see coming or going. >> around the world, 400,000 people fall victim to pickpockets every day and hidden cameras show us how easy it is. >> cecilia vega has tips on how to avoid become ing a victim. >> reporter: these san diego area grocery store surveillance videos show theft rings in action. watch as this unsuspecting shopper turned away from her cart. the man on the right, sees his chance, takes her wallet and hides under a tote bag. the woman has no idea as the man hands off a wallet to his partner. >> you have to do it just when she's reaching. >> reporter: bob arno snows the game. he is not a thief. he gives expert advice to law enforcement on how to catch crooks. he showed gma verdicts how easy we can make it for pickpockets. take a look as he and his wife bambi distract these people. the woman on the right leaves her purse hanging on her chair. bob swoops in and steals her wallet. >> did you have any idea what he was doing behind you? >> no. >> watch on the right.
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he takes the other woman's purse. men's wallets are harder to swipe? think again. while i talk to this man, bob slides his wallet out of his front pocket and hands it over. >> how much of this is about your quick fingers and how much is about them not paying attention? >> i think it is more about them not paying attention. >> reporter: tip one, don't be distracted by nice conversation by someone who appears well dressed. how do you not become a victim. show me your purse. >> this is fairly safe. it is always here. never behind me like this. never. >> reporter: that's tip two. always keep your belongings in your line of sight. >> i think having as few credit cards as possible is important. >> reporter: keep your wallet and phone in the bottom of your purse, not the top. if it is easy for you to access it's easy for thieves and these folks found out.
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>> you are clutching your purse. >> now i don't trust you. >> reporter: cecilia vega, abc news, phoenix. >> that is scary. >> i don't do any of the things she said. i have a wide-open purse. i only have my wallet in there and my phone. yeah. oh, yeah. you are pretty good at that. look, you already have my wallet and purse. >> i have gotten better. making money at home in your spare time. thanks to technology there are many opportunities and more than ever to parlay that time you have and your talents in to cold, hard cash. we will show you how to do it. ahead in our next half hour, problems with the inlaws, rapper jay-z attacked by his wife beyonce's sister. how things got so ugly so fast. you are watching abc "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ns.
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♪ >> all right. for many women and men staying at home with kids means giving up a paycheck. >> but there are new innovative ways to create paychecks from their own living rooms. rebecca jarvis shows how they are doing it. >> reporter: michelle morris is a stay at home mom of two in l.a. and you are watching her make money for her family by watching tv so you are getting paid to watch tv? >> yep, sure am. >> reporter: michelle works with a company called viggle. they pay you to watch certain programs and commercials. >> hit confirm. >> reporter: it is open to anyone with a tv and smartphone. >> it is something ugh you can do with your kids. >> totally do it with my children. it helps me bring money in so we can do different things. >> reporter: michelle has earned enough to renovate their kitchen from this to this.
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across tina fawn is another of the 3 million americans working from home. answering questions for, a nanny, elder and placement care site. top earners make $30,000 a year. can anybody do it? >> anybody can do it. >> anybody. >> anybody can do this. it is the best job ever. >> hi, ryan. >> reporter: and stay-at-home dad, ryan krane, turned his passion for fitness in to a virtual game. training clients over skype. >> how are you feeling in the hip? >> i get to be home with my family and kids. >> reporter: ryan found most of his clients through advertising on google and you tube and now he's cashing in. >> what do you charge? >> 150 an hour. >> 150 an hour?
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>> yeah. >> if gym class wasn't your thing, how about arts and crafts. kim baise is at work while the kids are at playmaking paper mache mobiles. turning water, flour and newspaper strips in to big bucks. >> two scoop ice cream cone. >> reporter: selling it on she has made tens of thousands of dollars. many of you may be afraid of working with at home because of possible scams but these are tried and true methods and we have a full list of legitimate opportunities on rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> other good ideas, pet care, music teacher, if you are musically inclined, child care. there are ways. >> there are ways to do it and a growing number of people have decided to stay home, moms and dads that the times have to get with it. i'm not surprised there's a lot of opportunities out there. >> no doubt. coming up, what's making headlines this morning in "the mix." a russian who's been wrestling grizzly bears since
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childhood. izzly bears since childhood.
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inctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 in we really you know? take a relaxingjust to unwind.a. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire...
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and realized we could actually afford to take both trips. [woman] see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. i should have been voted "most likely to travel." ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. of snuggle fresh linen you love, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower.
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air wick. the craft of fragrance. to be a ufc fighter you have to be tough. to be a ufc fighter you have to be tough. champ khabib nurmagomedov wrestling bears. he confirmed its authenticity and said that is him. this is from 1997 and it really is him. guess what, he decided to go for round two. this is him now at 25 years old wrestling another grizzly bear, not the same one, by the way. it is wearing a muzzle, however. he fights in the lightweight division for the ultimate fighting championship and, yeah, apparently he wrestles grizzly bears. >> i don't know how to react to this. this is horrifying. especially for the 9-year-old. although as an adult doesn't he look like he has control of the situation with? >> yeah, i think he may outweigh that one. just the same i will let him do it and watch over here. >> that's crazy. another animal story, this one cuter. you know, obviously ducks need to learn to fly and their mama ducks are the ones that teach them. this is university of college
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dublin. that's mama duck. she jumps off a ledge and somebody taking video decides to help the little guys out and says maybe if i put my backpack down the little ducklings will fall on the backpack and the fall won't be so terrible. they don't. they go to the other side. i lost count. >> a couple of them went flat. >> and they take the leap of faith after their mamas and run to the huddle and off they are. learning to fly. >> didn't see wings flapping. i think they have another lesson coming. >> need a taller ledge. >> no kidding. now to a dog, some animals here. this a dog that saved a veteran's life. amazing.
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united states marine. his name is terry mcglade. he's a major. he collapsed from a seizure. that's his daughter. it is a pit-lab mix and he is trained to know when he goes in to a seizure. he took the phone out of the marine's pocket and started to step on it. it automatically calls 911 when any button is pushed. dispatchers knew something was happening. the dog went to the curb and brought the ems crew to the marine there and he said it probably would have been severe trouble he didn't call 911. >> love stories like that. what an adorable dog. moving to the idiot report of the day. this is 31-year-old patrick ruffner from baton rouge, louisiana.
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he called in to the po
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>> sorry. this morning on "worlds > this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now," a violent and deadly ending to a domestic dispute. a fire an explosion and shootout. when it was over an officer was killed. new details about how it all unfolded. a bizarre unexpected development in clay aiken's congressional race. his opponent suddenly dies. we'll tell you what's next. plus, we can see what happened. we just don't know why. things got ugly between jay-z and his sister-in-law and it is all caught on camera. what we know about this scrape. fan favorite dances to the exit door. we'll tell you who went home on last night's "dancing with the stars." that's in "the skinny" on this tuesday, may 13th.
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>> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. um, omg. >> omg on the video in the elevator. what's up with that? >> i'm fascinated by what's going on. so the video, first of all, is incredible -- it's violent, very violent. >> not like a little disagreement. it is like a brawl. >> really is. >> a one-sided brawl. >> very much a one-sided brawl. >> look at a her go. >> i cannot imagine what jay-z could have said. >> beyonce is in the elevator, too. >> that's what is so amazing about this video. beyonce is right there. i don't know where she is but she is standing there and has no reaction at all. almost like it has happened before. >> we'll get to that one. let's get started now. we begin this half hour with the violent incident in new hampshire that we mentioned in the headline. a police officer killed responding to a domestic dispute. >> the officer's death followed by a massive explosion.
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it was all caught on camera. abc's john haskell reports from brentwood, new hampshire. >> reporter: neighbors in this 55 and over community said they heard an argument late monday afternoon allegedly by two people who lived inside of the suburban home. 86-year-old walter nolan and his son 47-year-old michael nolan. that domestic dispute resulted in gun fire. then the home that cost an estimated $250,000 was set on fire, leading to this explosion. the first officer to arrive on scene was 48-year-old steve arkell, a father of two teenage girls killed by the alleged shooter michael nolan upon entering the house. >> we heard the explosion. i felt it. then we went in to watch tv and we were watching tv and we saw the house. they showed it.
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>> reporter: according to new hampshire attorney general, joseph foster nolan was killed by fire or explosion. >> another police officer arrived and entered the home but was driven out by gun fire. other officers arrived and a short time later the home was engulfed in flames and later exploded. it's believed mr. nolan was killed by the fire or the explosion. >> neighbors told us they saw an older man leaving the house in a stretcher believed to be the owner of the home, walter nolan a motive for the domestic dispute that turned deadly is still unknown. josh haskell, abc news, brentwood, new hampshire. >> so disturbing, right? >> really is. this is the fine line that television stations have to tow. when there is an active situation going on, do you put it on live television for all to see? you never know what will happen and this is a perfect example of a nightmare situation. >> sure is. >> man. >> all right. the investigation continuing this morning in that hot air balloon accident in virginia that left three people dead. the balloon hit a power line on friday and burst in to flames. it killed the pilot and two women's basketball coaches from the university of richmond. the governor of virginia said the pilot may not have had any way of knowing the power line was there.
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>> they didn't give me anything more than it was flying low and hit a power line. apparently wasn't on the map that the pilot was looking at or not looking at, but we don't know for sure. >> the ntsb is calling for strict regulations, but the hot air balloon industry is calling the recommendations unnecessary federal oversight. "american idol" star clay aiken is suspending all campaign activities in the wake of his opponent's sudden death. keith crisco passed away at his home after a fall. the former businessman was trailing aiken by fewer than 400 votes after tuesday's primary for a seat in congress. if crisco overtakes aiken in the recount underway right now the democratic party would appoint someone to run in november. u.s. drones have joined the search for the missing girls in nigeria. the aircraft can be capable of tracking cell phone conversations in realtime. with more on the search, here's abc's karen travers in washington.
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>> reporter: these are the first images of some of the nigerian schoolgirls since they were kidnapped nearly a month ago. this video released by islamic terrorist group boko haram shows the girls reading and praying. >> these girls have become muslims, he says. the terror leader had a message for the nigerian government. he said the girls could be release in exchange for imprisoned militants but a prisoner exchange would be complicated for the nigerian government that said they will not pay for the girls' release. >> no intention to pay ransom or buy the girls. the sale of human beings is a crime against humanity. >> demonstrators continue to gather demanding the government there do more. >> we will continue to agitate, protest, ask questions until they come back. >> over the weekend, first lady michelle obama added her voice
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to this growing global movement. >> in these girls, barack and i see our daughters. >> reporter: he told martha raddatz that finding the girls is a huge challenge. >> this is not going to be an easy task. we're going to bring to bear every asset we can possibly use to help the nigerian government. >> reporter: for now that means surveillance assistant and law enforcement support. secretary hagel said at this point there is no intention to put any american boots on the ground. karen travers, abc news, washington. pro moscow insurgents in eastern ukraine have declared independence and are seeking to join russia following sunday's vote. russia is signaling it has no intention of annexing eastern ukraine the way it did crimea in march and acting prime minister of ukraine said he wants to hold
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talks with all of the parties involved. st. louis rams introduce their draft picks to the media today and undoubtedly the guy that will get the most attention was pick ed in the seventh round. michael sam was the first openly gay athlete to be drafted by an nfl team. he said he wants to be judged by his actions on the field. his jersey is the number two seller of all of the players in the draft. president obama honored dozens of police officers for their valor in the line of duty. at the white house yesterday, president obama said the nation owes a debt of gratitude to the officers who put themselves in harm's way every day. he called them the best of the best and made mention of their loved ones as well. >> all of you are heros in my book, as well. >> some of the officers honored helped to respond to the boston marathon bombing. others responded to the shooting at the washington navy yard. clean up picks up after the weekend's severe storms and tornados struck. sutton, nebraska went from picture perfect postcard to disaster. >> nearly every tree and structure damaged. they suffered major losses. no one was hurt because of early warning sirens were rounded
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right away. firefighters were out to make sure all of the people took cover. rain from east texas to new england including the mid-atlantic states. south florida gets showers, too. lingering snow showering in the higher elevations of colorado and new mexico. >> warm in the east again today. milder that is in the middle of the country. a red flag warning will be up in southern california where there will be a lot of temperatures in the 90s and some in the triple-digit range. even san francisco will be in the 80s today. we're told a small dog rescued from a rather dangerous place now has plenty of people who want to give it a new home. >> 2-year-old there. somehow he got stranded on a highway divider in northern california. a cop with the california highway patrol gave it a bit of
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a protein bar and drove it to safety. >> she is recovering at a local animal shelter and apparently calls are flooding in from people who say they want to make the dog part of their family. lucky pooch indeed. >> she looks tired, too. from the whole ordeal. >> you know what, chihuahuas shake just in general. >> yes. >> i can't imagine how much shaking this poor chihuahua was doing when she was on the divider. ps, how did she get on the divider? >> what's up with that. >> somebody must have put her there. that's awful. >> some friends there in the kennel, though. that's nice. some pals. my goodness, look at her. >> too cute. >> a rare image of one of one of america's most america's most photographed couples. beyonce's sister apparently attacks jay-z. the fight is caught on camera. a look at what happened just ahead. you are watching "world news now." ♪ saturday night's all right for fighting ♪
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>> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lysol no mess max. ay. like clockwork, every 20 minutes i clean the toilet. sometimes i get up in the middle of the night and clean the toilet. now every time you go, lysol cleans for you. new lysol no mess max gives you max cleaning with every flush. while its fragrance gels release 4 weeks of max freshness. that's what i like to hear. someone cleaning the toilet for me. lysol. start healthing.
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♪ ♪ >> safe to say we are all used to the occasional family fight from time to time but this squabble a doozy. >> to say the least.
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rapper jay-z, beyonce and her sister solange stepped in to an elevator here at a hotel in new york and it was after the doors closed is now going viral. here's juju chang. ♪ >> reporter: jay-z wraps about 99 problems and he can add inlaws to the list. after attacked by beyonce's sister solange. the trio seemed the picture of glamour leaving the met gala after party last week. in the privacy of an elevator, video reveals things get ugly when the losing you singer lashes out at her 44-year-old brother in law. tmz aired the grainy surveillance tape that showed solange trying to hit jay-z with her arms, her legs, even her purse. a man who appeared to be a bodyguard attempts to hold her back and presses the stop button. so the fight could be contained away from the photographers outside. she seems to be ranting at jay
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during the episode but without sound the secret what provoked the fight may stay in the elevator. >> through it all, queen bee herself took a surprising step back, sparking wild rumors about why she let her husband and her little sister duke it out without her. the girls have a well-documented close and loving relationship, recently performing together at coachella. there beyonce let her act as her stay in the spotlight acting as her backup dancer. now fans are left wondering why beyonce's sister may have fought on her behalf without the help of a certain famous alter ego. fierce. the "pretty hurts" singer has addressed the pressures that women face. for now, music's first family is keeping quiet about trouble in paradise. >> man, oh, man. that's a shocking video. by the way, the hotel issued a
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statement essentially saying we don't know how this surveillance video got out. and it's not our policy and we are investigating. >> discipline, prosecution whoever they find did it. these are deductions. we are not saying this is the cause but there's been a lot of talk about solange falling off a cliff lately. she had to cancel tours citing physical and mental health. she tweeted about marijuana use and landed in the hospital for a nyquil overdose. so who knows? who knows what the cause is. what else is happening in her life right now. >> justify something like that. that's just -- >> nothing justifies that kind of reaction. i'm so curious to know, number one, why beyonce had no reaction whatsoever. she was so even keeled. number two, why not wait until you get to the privacy of your own home. something enraged her so much she couldn't hold it i until they got in the limo. when we come back we will check out "the skinny." >> yes, we are. the "dancing with the stars" semi final shocker. who got the boot. and the giant retirement present barbara walters has been
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given. you are watching abc "world news now." "world news now" continues after this from our abc st
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♪ skinny so skinny >> all right. ♪ skinny so skinny >> all right. we start off our skinny with a ballroom shocker. olympian ice dancer charlie
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white who dominated throughout the season voted off of "dancing with the stars" one week from the finale. >> the audience booed and tom bergeron acknowledged the result was a shocker. white was a gracious loser. >> all of these people are so deserving. now i can 100% be a cheerleader, team meryl, love you. >> competing for the mirror ball trophy next week are white's ice dancing partner, meryl davis, burke, amy purdy and big time rush star james maslow. >> handled it graciously. >> good luck to the rest of them. the widow of a driver killed with "fast and furious" paul walker is taking legal action six months after the fiery crash. kristin rodas -- the suit claims porsche carrera they were riding in veered out of control because of the suspension. >> she contradicted police findings the car was going up to 93 miles an hour and said they were driving significantly slower 55 miles. another legal story. this one involving radio legend casey kasem. he is suffering from advanced parkinsons disease and can no
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longer speak. >> his children have been complaining they have been unable to see their father because he's been moved around medical facilities by his wife. a judge ordered an investigation where kasem is being treated. >> a complaint accuses his wife of elder abuse. an attorney for one of the daughters says the family believes he's been taken to an indian reservation in washington state. as you know, tv news pioneer, barbara walters retiring this week. to honor her, the building we are in right now, abc news headquarters is named in her honor. >> disney chairman and ceo bob iger did the honors. >> from this day forward, 47 west 66th street will be forever known as the barbara walters abc news headquarters. [ applause ]
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>> if i have a legacy and i said this before and i mean it so sincerely, i hope that i played a small role in paving the way for so many of you fabulous women who are here tonight. i'm not going to cry. i make everybody else cry. i will not. >> thank you, by the way from the women and men of abc news. she says she hopes she had a small part in paving the way. she paved the entire road. >> true pioneer. >> absolutely. >> as a journalist and woman. in so many ways she is deserving of every accolade she gets. >> oh, yeah. check out a few birthday rosters, celebrity birthdays that is. >> let's get right to them. >> stevie wonder turns 64 today. >> basketball's wild guy, dennis rodman turns 53. >> newly crowned late-night prince stephen colbert turns 50 today. >> darius rucker turning 48 years old. >> happy birthday to all of them. new details on the social
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media darlings. the new identical twin sisters. ♪ media daryling. the new identical twin sisters. again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. air wick. the craft of fragrance. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts,
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♪ ♪ >> what is called a miracle birth of the rare set of twins is becoming more touching as new details surface this morning. >> on facebook alone more than 27 million people have seen images of these remarkable twin sisters an now we are hearing more about the unbelievable moment in the delivery room. bob jones of our cleveland affiliate wews has the story. >> they became rock stars right away as soon as they came out. >> sarah thistlewhistle is taking turns snuggling with her beautiful twin girls. as she gets to know her new babies, it seems the world can't get enough of them. >> i can't believe how big this has gotten. >> reporter: here's why. the rare mono mono twins that
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shared the same placenta and amniotic sack didn't want to separate in an akron delivery room, grabbing and holding on to each other's hands. >> when they were born like that and as soon as they were taken out they want to grab each other's hands it brought me to tears. >> it was the first for one of the doctors who delivered the twins and has twins of her own. >> we do thousands of deliveries but this was special. i took the first baby out and my partner took the second baby out and we held her up for sarah to see and immediately they grasped hands. >> the moment that sarah never could have imagined when she agreed to allow us in the delivery room. >> i thought it was a little mother's day story. now it's this. >> reporter: the precious moment led to more, much more. jillian and jenna continue to grab international attention. >> one of my high school friends lives in australia and she sent me a message last night and told me she saw me on her television
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in australia. >> reporter: both babies weigh under four pounds and are doing well. after the amazing delivery, sarah expects the twins will always be close. for now, she's holding them close. >> this is absolutely what this is about. this is what i wait for during the day. being a mom is the most amazing feeling. >> what a story. so many levels. the hand holding and sensation, international sensation. >> immediate. by the way, they have an older brother who's only 15 months old. he has no idea what is going on. he just knows he has two bundles to deal with. his name is jackson. >> what it what a great family. we wish them the best. >> very cool. don't miss our updates at facebook >> a lot more. come on back, folks. >> announcer: this is abc "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. >> announcer: this is abc "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. after people find a dentist through us, they often say,
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(boy) grandpa, look what i got! (woman) oh dad, wait 'till you see the bike we got for jake. (narrator) hearing loss happens gradually with age... making it easy to ignore. yet most older americans aren't getting their hearing tested. untreated hearing loss can keep your loved ones from enjoying what they cherish most. (woman) dad, can you hear me? (narrator) don't let that happen. speak up about hearing loss. you'll be glad you did.
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making news in america this morning -- developing story. a house goes up in flames. then, explodes. new details about the police officer who was inside and why he was there. wild weather. heavy rain overnight causing scenes like this overnight. cars covered in floodwater, while others are getting ready for triple-digit temperatures. road range. a driver loses her temper and then loses control of her truck, causing a wild crash. all of it, caught on camera. family feud. jay z's sister-in-law attacking the hip-hop star in an elevator with beyonce standing by. what we're learning about this video. good tuesday morning.


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